ba - become (v.)
ba - objectival concord (02)
ba - of (02) (possessive concord)
ba - of (14) (possessive concord)
ba - subject concord (02)
ba - them (02) (obj. concord)
ba - they
ba babe - bad (02) (adj.)
ba babe - ugly (02) (adj.)
ba bafudebu - red (02) (adj.)
ba baholo - big (02) (adj.)
ba bakaakang ! - how big ! (02)
ba bakae ? - how big ? (02)
ba bakae ? - how much ? (02)
ba bakana ka - as big as (02) (adj.)
ba bakgunong - brown (light ...) (02) (adj.)
ba bakgutshwanyane - short (02) (adj.)
ba balelele - long (02) (adj.)
ba balelele - tall (02) (adj.)
ba bang - alone (02) (adj.)
ba bang - certain (02) (adj.)
ba bang - others
ba bang - some
ba bangata - many (02) (adj.)
ba banyane - little (02) (adj.)
ba banyane - small (02) (adj.)
ba banyenyane - small (02) (adj.)
ba bapinki - pink (02) (adj.)
ba baputswa - blue (02) (adj.)
ba baputswa - grey (02) (adj.)
ba basehla - yellow (02) (adj.)
ba basesane - thin (02) (adj.)
ba basesane - tight (02) (adj.)
ba basootho - brown (dark ...) (02) (adj.)
ba basweu - white (02) (adj.)
ba batala - green (02) (adj.)
ba batenya - thick (02) (adj.)
ba batjha - new (02) (adj.)
ba batjhitja - round (02)
ba batle - beautiful (02) (adj.)
ba batle - good (02) (adj.)
ba batle - pretty (02) (adj.)
ba batona - male (02) (adj.)
ba batonana - huge (02) (adj.)
ba batshehadi - female (02) (adj.)
ba batshehadi - feminine (02) (adj.)
ba batsho - black (02) (adj.)
ba batsho - dark (02) (adj.)
ba batsitsitse - stable (02) (adj.)
ba futsanehileng - poor (the ...)
ba ile ba fumana - have received (they ...)
ba le mamello - patient (be ...) (v.)
badimo - ancestors
badimo - dead (the ...)
badimo - spirits
badisa - count (cause/teach to)
badisa - read (cause to ...) (v.)
badisa - read (teach to ...) (v.)
baesekele (s.9) dibaesekele (pl.10) - bicycle
baesekopo (s.9) - cinema
bafe ? - which ? (02)
baka - bake (v.)
baka - cause (v.)
baka - excite
baka - provoke (v.)
baki (s.9) dibaki (pl.10) - coat
baki (s.9) dibaki (pl.10) - jacket
bala - count
bala - read (v.)
baleha - flee (v.)
balehela - flee to (v.)
balehela - flee towards (v.)
balella - count (together)
balella - read together with (v.)
balla - count for
balla - read for (v.)
ballwa - counted (be ... for)
ballwa - read (be ... for) (v.)
balwa - counted (be ...)
balwa - read (be ...) (v.)
bana - demonstrative pronoun (02) these
bana (pl.2) - children
bane - demonstrative pronoun (02) those (yonder)
bane - demonstrative pronoun (14) that (yonder)
banka (s.9) - bank
banka (s.9) dibanka (pl.10) - bench
banna - men
banna ! - my ! (exclamation by men)
bano - demonstrative pronoun (02) those
bapa - near (be ...) (v.)
bapa - parallel (become ...) (v.)
bapala - play (v.)
bapile - parallel (be ...) (v.)
bara (s.9) dibara (pl.10) - bar
basadi ! - my ! (exclamation by women)
basekomo (s.9) dibasekomo (pl.10) - washbasin
basele - different (02)
basele - strange (02)
Basotho - Basotho (people)
bata - cold (be ...)
bate (s.9) dibate (pl.10) - bath
batho - mankind
batho (pl.2) - people
batho ba bang - certain people
batjha - youth (the ...)
batla - look for (v.)
batla - require (v.)
batla - seek (v.)
batla - want (v.)
batleha - wanted (be ...) (v.)
batlela - seek for (v.)
batlile - looked for (v.)
batlile - nearly
batlile - wanted (v.)
batsi - broad
batsi - wide
Baye - Port Elizabeth
beha - inform (v.)
beha - lay (v.)
beha - place (v.)
beha - put (v.)
beha - report (v.)
beha fatshe - lay down to (v.)
behela - put aside for (v.)
behela - report to (v.)
beheletsa - deposit (v.)
beheletsa - lay-by
behwa - placed (be ...) (v.)
beisa - race (v.)
beka - cut into small pieces (v.)
beke (s.9) dibeke (pl.10) - week (<Afr: week)
bela - boil (liquids) (v.)
belaela - doubt (v.)
belaela - hesitate (v.)
beleha - beget (v.)
beleha - deliver (baby) (v.)
beleha - give birth (v.)
bentsha - glitter (make something ...) (v.)
bentsha - shine (v.)
benya - glitter
benya - shine (v.)
beola - shave (v.)
beotse - shaved (v.)
besa - make fire (v.)
bese (s.9) dibese (p.10) - bus
beta - rape (v.)
bete - beetroot
beteri (s.9) dibeteri (pl.10) - battery
bethe (s.9) dibethe (pl.10) - bed
Bibele (s.9) Dibibele (pl.10) - Bible
bina - sing (v.)
bintsha - conduct (v.)
bintsha - sing (cause to) (v.)
bipetsana - suffocate
bitsa - call (v.)
bitsana - call one another (v.)
bitsetsa - call for (v.)
bitsitse - called (v.)
bitswa - called (being ...) (v.)
bja - slap (ideophone)
bjaratsa - crush (v.)
bo - objectival concord (14)
bo - subject concord (14)
bo bobe - bad (14) (adj.)
bo bobe - ugly (14) (adj.)
bo bofubedu - red (14) (adj.)
bo boholo - big (14) (adj.)
bo bokaakang ! - how big ! (14)
bo bokae ? - how big ? (14)
bo bokae ? - how much ? (14)
bo bokana ka - as big as (14) (adj.)
bo bokgunong - brown (light ...) (14) (adj.)
bo bokgutshwanyane - short (14) (adj.)
bo bolelele - long (14) (adj.)
bo bolelele - tall (14) (adj.)
bo bong - alone (14) (adj.)
bo bong - certain (14) (adj.)
bo bongata - many (14) (adj.)
bo bonyane - little (14) (adj.)
bo bonyane - small (14) (adj.)
bo bonyenyane - small (14) (adj.)
bo bopinki - pink (14) (adj.)
bo boputswa - blue (14) (adj.)
bo boputswa - grey (14) (adj.)
bo bosehla - yellow (14) (adj.)
bo bosesane - thin (14) (adj.)
bo bosesane - tight (14) (adj.)
bo bosootho - brown (dark ...) (14) (adj.)
bo bosweu - white (14) (adj.)
bo botala - green (14) (adj.)
bo botenya - thick (14) (adj.)
bo botjha - new (14) (adj.)
bo botjhitja - round (14)
bo botle - beautiful (14) (adj.)
bo botle - good (14) (adj.)
bo botle - pretty (14) (adj.)
bo botona - male (14) (adj.)
bo botonana - huge (14) (adj.)
bo botshehadi - female (14) (adj.)
bo botshehadi - feminine (14) (adj.)
bo botsho - black (14) (adj.)
bo botsho - dark (14) (adj.)
bo botsitsitse - stable (14) (adj.)
bobe - ugliness
bobedi - second
bobona - their nature
bobona - themselves
bobotheha - smile (v.)
bodulo - dwelling
bodulo (s.14) madulo (pl.6) - abode
bodulo (s.14) madulo (pl.6) - location
bodulo (s.14) madulo (pl.6) - position
bodulo (s.14) madulo (pl.6) - residence
bodumedi - faith
bodutu - loneliness
boela - go back (v.)
boemo (s.14) maemo (pl.6) - condition
boemo (s.14) maemo (pl.6) - situation
boemo (s.14) maemo (pl.6) - standing (n.)
boemo (s.14) maemo (pl.6) - status
boena (14) - brotherhood
boenjineri - engineering
boetapele - leadership
bofa - bind (v.)
bofe ? - which ? (14)
bofifi - bereavement
bofofu - blindness
boha - admire (v.)
boha - adore (v.)
bohale - anger
bohale - bravery
bohale - courage
bohale - sharpness
bohare - interior
bohare - middle
bohareng - interior (in the ...)
bohareng - middle (in the ...)
bohlale (s.14) mahlale (pl.6) - science
bohlale (s.14) mahlale (pl.6) - wisdom
bohlanka - puberty (male)
bohlano - fifth
bohlanya - mental disease
bohle - all (02) (quantitative pronoun)
bohle - all (14) (quantitative pronoun)
bohle ka ntle ho - except (all ...)
bohloholo - traditional
Bohloking - Bethlehem
bohloko - disease
bohloko - grief
bohloko - sorrow
bohloko (s.14) mahloko (pl.6) - pain
bohloko bo diqebo - chronic disease
bohlokwa - importance
bohlweki - personal hygiene
bohobe (s.14) mahobe (pl.6) - bread
bohodimo - top
bohola - bark (v.)
bohole - distance
boholoholo - ancient times
boholoholo - long ago
boholoholo - old (of ...)
boholoholo - old customs
boholoholo - olden times
bohwebi - commerce
boikarabelo - responsibility
boikokobetso - humbleness
boikokobetso - humility
boikutlo (s.14) maikutlo (pl.6) - consciousness
boikutlo (s.14) maikutlo (pl.6) - feeling
boikutlo (s.14) maikutlo (pl.6) - opinion
boikutlo (s.14) maikutlo (pl.6) - thought (n.)
boima - difficult
boima - heavy (weight)
boimana - pregnancy
boipuso - independent
boithabiso - pleasure
boitlamo - contract (n.)
boitshireletso - selfdefence
boitshireletso ba mmele - immune system
boitshwaro - conduct (n.)
boitshwaro - selfcontrol
boka - glue
boka - praise (v.)
boka - thank (v.)
bokahare - interior
bokantle - exterior
bokantle - outside
bokella - collect
bokella - gather
bokella dintho - get things together (v.)
bokeresete - christian (adj.)
bokgabane - excellence
bokgabane - honour
bokgabane - virtue
bokgatjhane - pregnancy
bokgeleke - eloquence
bokgoba - addiction
bokgoba ba dithethefatsi - drug addiction
boko (14) - brain
bokreste - christian (adj.)
boladu - pus
bolauwa - killed (being ...) (v.)
bolaya - kill (v.)
bolekane (s.14) - friendship
bolela - say (v.)
bolela - state (v.)
bolela - tell (v.)
bolelele - length
bolella - inform (v.)
bolella - tell (v.)
bolelle - tell (v.) (subjunctive)
bolelletse - told (v.)
bolemi - agriculture
boleng ba bophelo - quality of life
bolepi ba lehodimo - weather forecast
boletse - said (have ...)
bolo (s.9) dibolo (pl.10) - ball
boloi - magic
boloi - sorcery
boloi - witchcraft
boloka - conserve (v.)
boloka - save (v.)
bolokolohi - freedom
bolotsa - circumcise
bolwetse - disease
bomadimabe - misfortune
bomang ? - who ? (plural)
bona - demonstrative pronoun (14) this
bona - it (14) (absolute pronoun)
bona - possessive pronoun (02)
bona - possessive pronoun (14)
bona - see (v.)
bona - their
bona - them (02) (absolute pronoun)
bona - they (02) (absolute pronoun)
bonahala - appear (v.)
bonahala - clear (be ...)
bonahala - observable
bonahala - seeable
bonahala - visible (v.)
bonahala eka - look as though
bonana - observe one another (v.)
bonana - see each other (v.)
bone - fourth
bone - seen (have ...) (v.)
bonesa - light (v.)
bongata - majority
bongata - plural
bongwana - childhood
bonna - manliness
bonngwe - unity
bonnotshi - solitude
bono - demonstrative pronoun (14) that
bonolo - ease
bonolo - soft
bonolo - softness
bontsha - point out (v.)
bontsha - show (v.)
bontshitse - pointed
bontshitse - shown (have ...) (v.)
bontshwa - shown (be ...) (v.)
bonwa - observed (be ...) (v.)
bonya - court (v.)
bonya - flirt (v.)
boona - itself
bopa - cast (v.)
bopa - create (v.)
bopa - make (v.)
bopa - mould (v.)
bopa - shape (v.)
bophelo - life
bophelo bo botle - pure life
bophelong ba - life (in the ... of)
bophirimela - west
bopile - created (have ...) (v.)
bopile - moulded (v.)
bopilwe - cast (was ...) (v.)
bopilwe - moulded (has been ...) (v.)
bopjwa - cast (be ...) (v.)
bopjwa - created (be ...) (v.)
bopjwa - moulded (being ...) (v.)
bora - drill (v.) (<Afr: boor)
borajthe ba terata - wire brush (<Eng/Afr)
boraro - third
boratjhe ba pente - paint brush (<Eng)
borena - authority
borikgwe (14) - pants
borikgwe (14) - trousers
boro - drill (n.) (<Afr: boor)
borobedi - eighth
borobong - ninth
borokgo (s.14) marokgo (pl.6) - bridge
boroko - sleep (n.)
boroso (s.9) - sausage (<Afr: wors)
borosolo (s.9) diborosolo (pl.10) - brush
borotho (s.14) marotho (pl.6) - bread
borui - richness
boruti - ministry
borwa - south
borwetsana - puberty (female)
bosadi - vagina (vulgar)
bosadi - womanliness
bosadi (14) - femininity
bosele - different (14)
bosele - strange (14)
bosiu - at night
bososela - smile (v.)
bosupa - seventh
botabane - homosexual (adj.)
botahwa - drunkenness
botala ba lehodimo - blue (green of the heaven)
bothata (s.14) mathata (pl.6) - problem
botho - humaneness
bothoto - ignorance
bothoto - stupidity
botjha - youth
botjha - youthfulness
botjhabela - east
Botjhabela Bohare - Middle East
botle - beauty
botlolo (s.9) dibotlolo (pl.10) - bottle
botona - penis
botona le botshehadi / mapele - genitals
botoro (s.9) dibotoro (pl.10) - butter
botsa - ask (v.)
botshehadi - vagina
botshelela - sixth
botshepehi - trustworthiness
botsotsi - gangsterism
botsotsi - lawlessness
botswa - asked (be…) (v.)
botswa - laziness
botswa - lazy
botswalle (s.14) - friendship
bovenkele - work of a shopkeeper
bowona - itself
boyena - himself
bua - speak (v.)
bua - talk (v.)
buisa - speak (cause to ...) (v.)
buisa - talk (cause to ...) (v.)
buisana - converse (v.)
buisana - speak with each other (v.)
buisana - talk to each other (v.)
buka (s.9) dibuka (pl.10) - book
bukantswe (s.9) dibukantswe (pl.10) - dictionary
bula - open (v.)
busa - govern (v.)
busa - reign (v.)
butle - slow
butle - slowly
butle ! - wait !
butse - opened (v.)
butsitse - reigned (v.)
butswe - open (is ...) (v.)

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