ka - at
ka - can
ka - mine
ka - not
ka - with
ka (possessive concord + ka) - my (possessive stem)
ka bobona - on its own (14)
ka bobona - on their own (02)
ka bohona - on its own (15)
ka bolona - on its own (05)
ka boona - on their own (06)
ka bosona - on its own (07)
ka botsona - on their own (08)
ka botsona - on their own (10)
ka bowona - on its own (03)
ka boyena - on his/her own (01)
ka boyona - on its own (09)
ka boyona - on their own (04)
ka dialla - before daybreak
ka eng ? - with what ?
ka hare - in the middle
ka hoba - by reason of
ka hoo - therefore
ka lehlohonolo - fortunately
ka lehlohonolo - luckily
ka lekeke - askew
ka mamello - patiently
ka mehla - regularly
ka meso - dawn (at ...)
ka mohlomong - now and then
ka molao - regular
ka morao ho jarete - backyard
ka nama - self
ka nnete - really
ka nnete - truly
ka pele - front (in)
ka sebele - reality (in ...)
ka tsati le leng - some day
kaa ka - as big as
kaa ka - as much as
kaalo - as big as
kaalo - as much as
kaalo - such
kae ? - where ?
kaekae - somewhere
kahare (s.9) dikahare (pl.10) - organ
kahisano - co-existence
kajeno - today
kalafo - medical care
kalafo - treatment
kalama - ride a car (v.)
kalla - ride (v.)
kamano (s.9) dikamano (pl.10) - contact (n.)
kamano (s.9) dikamano (pl.10) - relationship
kamohelo - welcome (n.)
kamohelo (s.9) dikamohelo (pl.10) - reception
kamore (s.9) dikamore (pl.10) - room
kamore ya ho hlapa - bathroom
kamore ya ho ithutela - study (room)
kamore ya ho jela - dining room
kamore ya ho phomola - lounge
kamore ya ho robala - bedroom
kamore ya ho tola - bathroom
kampo (s.9) dikampo (pl.10) - camp
kampo (s.9) dikampo (pl.10) - rest camp
kana - so much
kana-kana - as big as
kana-kana - as much as
kane ya metsi - watercan
kang - like
kankere - cancer (<Afr: kanker)
kano (s.9) dikano (pl.10) - oath
kaofela - whole
Kapa - Cape
Kapa - Cape Town
kapa - either
kapa - or
kapa - whether
karabo (s.9) dikarabo (pl.10) - answer (n.)
karatjhe (s.9) dikaratjhe (pl.10) - garage (<Eng)
karatjheng - garage (at the ...)
karavane (s.9) dikaravane (pl.10) - caravan (<Eng.)
kariki (s.9) dikariki (pl.10) - cart
karolo (s.9) dikarolo (pl.10) - part (n.)
karolo (s.9) dikarolo (pl.10) - section
kase (s.9) dikase (pl.10) - cheese
kasetlele (s.9) dikasetlele (pl.10) - castle
katiba (s.9) dikatiba (p.10) - hat
katleho - prosperity
katse (s.9) dikatse (pl.10) - cat
kausu (pl.9) dikausu (pl.10) - sock
kausu (pl.9) dikausu (pl.10) - stocking (<Afr: kous)
ke - could
ke - I
ke - it is
ke - may
ke a leboha - thank you
ke batlile ke lebala - forgot (I nearly ...) (v.)
ke ha - it is then
ke ha - when
ke hona - it is only now that
ke hore - that is to say
ke lapile - hungry (I am ...) (v.)
ke nyorilwe - I am thirsty
keketeha - laugh (v.)
keledi (s.9) dikeledi (pl.10) - tear
keletso ya kgothatso - counselling
kemariso ya maiketsetso - artificial insemination
kemaro - pregnancy
kena - enter
kena - enter (v.)
kene - entered (has ...) (v.)
kenngwa - enter (be caused to ...) (v.)
kenya - enter (cause to ...) (v.)
kenya - insert (v.)
kenya - introduce (v.)
kenyeditswe - introduced for (v.)
kenyetsa - introduce for (v.)
kepisi (s.9) - cap
kereke (s.9) dikereke (pl.10) - church
Keresemese - Christmas
Keresemese e monate - Merry Christmas
Keresete - Christ
keribaa (s.9) dikeribaa (pl.10) - wheelbarrow (<Afr: kruiwa)
ketlele (s.9) diketlele (pl.10) - kettle
ketlele ya tee - teapot
ketso (s.9) diketso (pl.10) - action
ketso (s.9) diketso (pl.10) - deed
kga - pick (v.)
kga - pluck (v.)
kga - scoop (v.)
kgaba - beautiful (be ...) (v.)
kgaba (s.9) dikgaba (pl.10) - spoon
kgabana (s.9) dikgabana (pl.10) - teaspoon
kgabane - decent (adj.)
kgabane - dressed (well ...)
kgabane - fine (adj.)
kgabane - neat
kgabane (s.9) dikgabane (pl.10) - decent person
kgabareng - eventually
kgabareng - later on
kgabisa - adorn (v.)
kgabisa - decorate (v.)
kgabisa - make attractive (v.)
kgabo - vervet monkey
kgabo (s.9) - ape
kgaello ya boitshireletso ba mmele - immune deficiency
kgahla - please (v.)
kgahlisa - please (cause to ...) (v.)
kgaitsedi (s.1) bokgaitsedi (pl.2) - older brother (for a female)
kgaitsedi (s.1) bokgaitsedi (pl.2) - older sister (for a male)
kgaitsedi (s.1) bokgaitsedi (pl.2) - sister
kgaitsedi (s.1) bokgaitsedi (pl.2) - younger brother (for a female)
kgaitsedi (s.1) bokgaitsedi (pl.2) - younger sister (for a male)
kgaka (s.9) dikgaka (pl.10) - guinea fowl
kgalala (s.9) dikgalala (pl.10) - brave (man)
kgalase (s.9) dikgalase (pl.10) - glass
kgale - long ago
kgalema - warn (v.)
kgalemela - reprimand (v.)
kgalemela - scold (v.)
kgama - red hartebeest
kgama (s.9) dikgama (pl.10) - hartbees
kgama (s.9) dikgama (pl.10) - roan antelope
kgama (s.9) dikgama (pl.10) - sable antelope
kgama ya lebasetere - tsessebe
kgama ya matsha - waterbuck
kgama ya metsi e sootho - lechwe waterbuck
kgamelo (s.9) dikgamelo (pl.10) - bucket
kgang (s.9) dikgang (pl.10) - dispute
kganna - drive (v.)
kgano - denial
kganya - bright (adj.)
kganya ya letsatsi - sunlight
kgaohana - leave (take ... of) (v.)
kgaohana - part (v.)
kgaohanya - separate from (to ...) (v.)
kgaphatseha - overflow (v.)
kgarafu (s.9) dikgarafu (pl.10) - spade (<Afr: graaf)
kgarametsa - push violently (v.)
kgaranyane (s.9) dikgaranyane (pl.10) - blue wildebeest
kgare (s.9) dikgare (pl.10) - crown (n.)
kgare (s.9) dikgare (pl.10) - ring of grass
kgarebe - girlfriend
kgarebe - virgin
kgarebe (s.9) dikgarebe (pl.10) - young lady
kgasa - crawl (v.)
kgasetsa - crawl towards (v.)
kgatello (s.9) dikgatello (pl.10) - stress (n.)
kgathala - tire (v.)
kgathala - tired (get ...) (v.)
kgathatsa - trouble (v.)
kgathatso (s.9) dikgathatso (pl.10) - trouble (n.)
kgathetse - tired (be ...) (v.)
kgatholla - refresh (v.)
kgatiso (s.9) dikgatiso (pl.10) - print (n.)
kgehlepa - shake (v.)
kgekgenene - stop (ideophone)
kgele - goodness me
kgele ! - oh ! (exclamation)
kgele ! - oh no ! (exlamation)
kgeleke (s.9) dikgeleke (pl.10) - eloquent speaker
kgeleke (s.9) dikgeleke (pl.10) - good singer
kgema - gallop (v.)
kgemisa - gallop (put to ...) (v.)
kgereisi - crushed mealies
kgetha - choose
kgetha - favour (v.)
kgetha - pick out (v.)
kgetholla - discriminate (v.)
kgethollo - discrimination
kgetlo la bobedi - second time
kgetsi (s.9) dikgetsi (pl.10) - knapsack
kgiritsa - stop abruptly (v.)
kgodisa - satisfy (v.)
kgodumodumo (s.9) dikgodumodumo (pl.10) - dragon
kgoho (s.9) dikgoho (pl.10) - chicken
kgoho (s.9) dikgoho (pl.10) - fowl
kgokanaphiri - united force
kgokanaphiri - unity
kgokong (s.9) dikgokong (pl.10) - blue wildebeest
kgolo - important
kgolwa - believe (v.)
kgomarela - stick (v.)
kgomaretse - stuck (has ...) (v.)
kgomo (s.9) dikgomo (pl.10) - cattle
kgomo (s.9) dikgomo (pl.10) - cow
kgomo ya faatshe - cannabis
kgomo ya faatshe - marijuana
kgopo - crooked
kgopo - cruel
kgopo (s.9) dikgopo (pl.10) - rib
kgora - filled (become ...) (v.)
kgora - satisfied (become ...) (v.)
kgoro (s.9) dikgoro (pl.10) - entrance
kgoro (s.9) dikgoro (pl.10) - gate
kgoroha - rush (v.)
kgorohela - rush towards (v.)
kgosana (s.9) dikgosana (pl.10) - chieftainess
kgothala - dilligent (become ...)
kgothalo - dilligence
kgothatsa - inspire (v.)
kgothatsa - reassure (v.)
kgothetse - dilligent
kgotshe - filled (be ...) (v.)
kgotshe - satisfied (be ...) (v.)
kgotso - peace
Kgotso ! - Peace ! (greeting)
kgotsofatsa - satisfy (v.)
kgudu (s.9) dikgudu (pl.10) - tortoise
kgumama - kneel (v.)
kgutla - return (v.)
kgutlela - return to (v.)
kgutsa - quiet (become ...) (v.)
kgutsa - silent (be ...) (v.)
kgutsana (s.9) dikgutsana (pl.10) - orphan
kgutsitse - quiet (is ...) (v.)
kgutso - silence
kguwa - picked (being ...) (v.)
kguwa - scooped (be ...) (v.)
kgwale (s.9) dikgwale (pl.10) - partridge
kgwatha - poke (v.)
kgwatha - wave (v.)
kgwebo (s.9) dikgwebo (pl.10) - trade
kgwedi (s.9) dikgwedi (pl.10) - month
kgwedi (s.9) dikgwedi (pl.10) - moon
khabete (s.9) dikhabete (pl.10) - cupboard
khabete ya leboteng (s.9) - built-in cupboard
khabetjhe (s.9) dikhabetjhe (pl.10) - cabbage
khalendara (s.9) dikhalendara (pl.10) - calendar
khebini (s.9) dikhebini (pl.10) - cabin (ship) (<Eng.)
khefi (s.9) dikhefi (pl.10) - cafe
khemera (s.9) dikhemera (pl.10) - camera
khemisi (s.9) dikhemisi (pl.10) - chemist (place)
kholetjhe (s.9) dikholetjhe (pl.10) - college
kholoma - speak (v.)
khombi (s.9) dikhombi (pl.10) - minibus taxi (<Eng: kombi)
khomputa (s.9) dikhomputa (pl.10) - computer
khondomo (s.9) dikhondomo (pl.10) - condom
kilogeramo (s.9) dikilogeramo (pl.10) - kilogram
kilometera (s.9) dikilometera (pl.10) - kilometer
kinipitang (s.9) dikinipitang (pl.10) - pliers (<Afr: knyptang)
kiribae (s.9) dikiribae (pl.10) - wheelbarrow (<Afr: kruiwa)
kitjhine (s.9) dikitjhine (pl.10) - kitchen
kitjhining - kitchen (in the ...)
koba - bend (v.)
kobo (s.9) dikobo (pl.10) - blanket
kofi (s.9) dikofi (pl.10) - coffee
kokobela - humble (become ...) (v.)
kokobela - subside (v.)
kokolofitwe (s.9) dikokolofitwe (pl.10) - secretary bird
kokwanahloko - antigen
kokwanahloko - germ
kokwanahloko - pathogen
kokwanahloko - virus
kokwanyana (s.9) dikokwanyana (pl.10) - bug
kolobe - warthog
kolobe (s.9) dikolobe (pl.10) - pig
kolobemoru - bushpig
kolobe-moru - warthog
kolobetsa - baptise
kolobetso (s.9) dikolobetso (pl.10) - baptism
koloi (s.9) dikoloi (pl.10) - car
koloi (s.9) dikoloi (pl.10) - wagon
koma - taboo
komello - drought
kompone (s.9) dikompone (pl.10) - compound
kompose (s.9) dikompose (pl.10) - compost (Afr: kompos)
konteraka (s.9) dikonteraka (pl.10) - contract (n.)
kopa - ask for (v.)
kopa - beg (v.)
kopa - embrace (v.)
kopa - hug
kopana - contact (v.)
kopana - meet (v.)
kopana - unite (v.)
kopane - united (v.)
kopano (s.9) dikopano (pl.10) - meeting (n.)
kopanya - meet (cause to ...) (v.)
kopanya - unite (v.)
kopi (s.9) dikopi (pl.10) - cup
koranta (s.9) dikoranta (pl.10) - newspaper (<Afr: koerant)
korone (s.9) dikorone (pl.10) - crown (n.)
korosari (s.9) dikorosari (pl.10) - groceries
kotokoto - suddenly
koto-koto - just suddenly
kotsi (s.9) dikotsi (pl.10) - accident
kotsi (s.9) dikotsi (pl.10) - damage (n.)
kotsi (s.9) dikotsi (pl.10) - harm
kotsi tsa mmila - road accident
Kreste - Christ
kubu (s.9) dikubu (pl.10) - hippopotamus
kuku (s.9) dikuku (pl.10) - cake
kula - ill (become ...)
kunuta - conspire (v.)
kuta - cut hair (v.)
kutlo - hearing
kutlo - obedience
kutlwano - agreement
kutlwisiso - comprehension
kutlwisiso e fosahetseng - misconception
kutse - ill (was ...)
kwae (s.9) dikwae (pl.10) - tobacco
kwahela - cover (v.)
kwahela - engulf (v.)
kwala - close (v.)
kwala - shut (v.)
kwala monyako - shut the door
kwalwa - shut (being ...) (v.)
kwalwe - shut (should be ...) (v.)
kwana - however
kwana - that way
kwena (s.9) dikwena (pl.10) - crocodile
kwentse - swallowed (v.)
kwenya - engulf (v.)
kwenya - gulp (v.)
kwenya - swallow (v.)

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