maballo - roof (n.)
mabapi le - with reference to
mabele (6) - sorghum
mabitleng (s.6) - cemetery
madi (s.6) - blood
madi a tshwaeditsweng - infected blood
madungwadungwane - early in the morning
maele - idiom
maele (6) - proverb
maemo a tshohanyetso - emergency situations
maene (s.9) dimaene (pl.10) - mine (<Eng)
mafelo a beke - week-end
mafi (s.6) - sour milk
mafolofolo - dilligence
mafolofolo - zeal
mahareng - between
mahe a dinotshi (s.6) - honey
mahlatsa - vomit (n.)
mahlomola - grief
mahlomola - misery
mahlomola - sorrow
maikemisetso - purpose
majabajaba - beautiful clothes
makala - become astonished (v.)
makala - surprised (become ...) (v.)
makala - wonder (v.)
makatsa - astonish
makatsa - surprise (v.)
maketse - be astonished
maketse - surprised (be ...) (v.)
makgerehlwa - hoarse
makgerehlwa - husky
makgethe - neatness
makolopetso - worthless thing
makwalepetso - worthless thing
maleme a fapafapaneng - multilingualism
malome (s.1a) bomalome (pl.2a) - uncle (mother's brother)
Maloti - Drakensberg mountains
maloti (6) - mountain range
mamarela - cling (to)
mamela - listen (v.)
mamela - pay attention
mamelang - listen all of you (v.)
mamello - patience
mamelo - attention
mametse - listened (v.)
mane - there
mane - yonder
mang ? - who ? (singular)
mang kapa mang - anybody
Mangaung - Bloemfontein
Mangaung - Bloemfontein
manolla - analyse
manollo - analysis
Mantaha - Monday
mantsiboya - evening (early)
Manyatseng - Ladybrand
manyolo - manure
maoba - day before yesterday
maoba - the day before yesterday
maoba le maobane - times past
maobane - yesterday
Maokeng - Kroonstad
marabe - puff adder
maraka (s.9) dimaraka (pl.10) - mark (n.) (examination)
marangrang - tangle
marenene - gums (of teeth)
mariha - winter
maro a mmele - body fluid
marothodi a pula - raindrops
marulelo (6) - roof (n.)
masela - thrush
masela - washing
masene - cunning
masepa - excrement (vulgar)
masepa - faeces (vulgar)
masepa - shit (vulgar)
mashome a mabedi - twenty
mashome a mabedi a metso e mmedi - twenty two
mashome a mabedi a motso o le mong - twenty one
mashome a mahlano - fifty
mashome a mane - forty
mashome a mararo - thirty
mashome a robedi - eighty
mashome a robong - ninety
mashome a supileng - seventy
mashome a tsheletseng - sixty
masole a mmele - antibody
maswabi - grief
maswabi - sorrow
matekwane - cannabis
matekwane - marijuana
matha - run (v.)
matha ka lebelo - run swiftly
mathe (6) - saliva
mathe le leleme - friends (intimate ...)
mathetho - end (n.)
matjhini (s.9) dimatjhini (pl.10) - machine (<Afr: masjien)
matla - authority
matla - power
matla - strength
matla - strong
matokomane (s.6) - peanut
matsale (s.1) - mother-in-law
matsale (s.1) bomatsale (pl.2) - father-in-law
matshediso - comfort
matshwala - moustache
mauthwa-uthwana - very poor people
mehleng ena - nowadays
mela - grow (v.)
melela - grow for (v.)
mena - fold
mengo (s.9) dimengo (pl.10) - mango
meno (s.6) - teeth
meso - dawn
meta - kiss (v.)
meta - swallow (v.)
metsi (s.6) - water (n.)
metsitse - swallowed (v.)
milione - million (<Eng)
mina - blow (nose) (v.)
mmae (s.1) bommae (pl.2) - her mother
mmae (s.1) bommae (pl.2) - his mother
mmala (s.3) mebala (pl.4) - colour
mmala o fifetseng - dark colour
mmala o hlakileng - plain colour
mmala o kganyang - bright colour
mmamononwane - black wildebeest
mmamosa (s.1) bommamosa (pl.2) - friendly woman
mmangwane (s.1a) bommangwane (pl.2a) - aunt (mother's younger sister)
mmanki - basket
mmao (s.1) bommao (pl.2) - your mother
mmapa (s.9) dimmapa (pl.10) - map (<Eng)
mme - and (between sentences)
mme (s.1) bomme (pl.2) - mother
mmele - body
Mmesa - April
mmila (s.3) mebila (s.4) - road
mmilalebelo - freeway
mmino (s.3) - music
mmitsa - call him (v.)
mmoho - together
mmommori - plot (n.)
Mmopi - Creator
mmoro - good morning
mmoto (s.9) dimmoto (pl.10) - moth
mmotokara (s.9) dimmotokara (pl.10) - car
mmuso (s.3) mebuso (pl.4) - government
mmuso (s.3) mebuso (pl.4) - state (n.)
mmutla (s.3) - hare
mmutla (s.3) - rabbit
mo - objectival concord (01)
moadimi (s.1) baadimi (pl.2) - borrower
moadimi (s.1) baadimi (pl.2) - lender
moahi (s.1) baahi (pl.2) - citizen
moahi (s.1) baahi (pl.2) - inhabitant
moahlodi (s.1) - judge
moaho (s.3) meaho (pl.4) - building
moambasadara (s.1) - ambassador
mobu (s.3) mebu (pl.4) - earth
mobu (s.3) mebu (pl.4) - soil
mobuso (s.3) mebuso (pl.4) - state (n.)
Modimo - God
modimo (s.3) medimo (pl.4) - god
modisa (s.1) badisa (pl.2) - herdboy
modisa (s.1) badisa (pl.2) - shepherd
modulasetulo (s.1) - chairperson
modumo (s.3) medumo (pl.4) - sound
moduwane (s.3) meduwane (pl.4) - willow
moedi (s.3) meedi (p.4) - border
moedi (s.3) meedi (p.4) - boundary
moeletsi - counsellor
moena - younger brother (for a male)
moena - younger sister (for a female)
moetapele (s.1) baetapele (pl.2) - leader
moeti (s.1) baeti (pl.2) - guest
moeti (s.1) baeti (pl.2) - stranger
moeti (s.1) baeti (pl.2) - traveller
moeti (s.1) baeti (pl.2) - visitor
moetlo (s.3) meetlo (pl.4) - custom
moetlo (s.3) meetlo (pl.4) - tradition
mofaho (s.3) mefaho (pl.4) - provision
mofani wa madi - blood donor
mofantisi (s.1) bafantisi (pl.2) - auctioneer
moferefere (s.3) meferefere (pl.4) - chaos
moferefere (s.3) meferefere (pl.4) - confusion
moferefere (s.3) meferefere (pl.4) - uproar
moferekanyi (s.1) baferekanyi (pl.2) - insurgent
moferekanyi (s.1) baferekanyi (pl.2) - rebel
moferekanyi (s.1) baferekanyi (pl.2) - terrorist
mofetoledi (s.1) bafetoledi (pl.2) - translator
mofetshe - cancer
mofu (s.1) bafu (pl.2) - dead person
mofufutso - sweat (n.)
mofumahadi (s.1) mafumahadi (pl.6) - lady
mofumahadi (s.1) mafumahadi (pl.6) - Mrs
mofumahadi (s.1) mafumahadi (pl.6) - queen
mofuta (s.3) mefuta (pl.4) - kind (n.)
mofuta (s.3) mefuta (pl.4) - sort
mofuta (s.3) mefuta (pl.4) - type
mofuta (s.3) mefuta (pl.4) - variety
Mogerike (s.1) Bagerike (pl.2) - Greek person
mohala (s.3) mehala (pl.4) - cord
mohala (s.3) mehala (pl.4) - rope
mohala (s.3) mehala (pl.4) - telegram
mohale (s.1) bahale (pl.2) - hero
mohatla (s.3) mehatla (pl.4) - tail
mohato (s.3) mehato (pl.4) - footstep
mohato (s.3) mehato (pl.4) - stair
mohatsa (s.1) - husband
mohla - date
mohla (s.3) mehla (pl.4) - day
mohlala (s.3) mehlala (pl.4) - example
mohlamu - anus
mohlamu - rectum (vulgar)
mohlankana - adolescent (male)
mohlankana - boyfriend
mohlankana (s.1) bahlankana (s.2) - young man
mohlolo (s.3) mehlolo (pl.4) - miracle
mohlolo (s.3) mehlolo (pl.4) - wonder (n.)
mohlolohadi (s.1) - widow
mohlolohadi (s.1) - widower
mohlomong - maybe
mohlomong - perhaps
mohlwa - grass
mohlwa - lawn
mohlwathupa - tree squirrel
mohobelo - Basotho men’s dance
mohodi - fog
mohodi - mist
moholo (s.1) baholo (pl.2) - elder
moholo (s.1) baholo (pl.2) - parent
moholo (s.1) baholo (pl.2) - superior
moholo (s.1) baholo (pl.2) - supervisor
moholwane - older brother (for a male)
moholwane - older sister (for a female)
mohoma - hoe
mohoma (s.3) mehoma (pl.4) - plough (n.)
mohwe (s.1) bahwe (pl.2) - father-in-law (of a man)
mohwehadi (s.1) - mother-in-law
moimana (s.1) baimana (pl.2) - pregnant woman
moitedi - dung
moitedi - manure
moithuti (s.1) baithuti (pl.2) - student
mojaho (s.3) mejaho (pl.4) - race (n.)
moji (s.1) baji (pl.2) - eater
mokeresete (s.1) bakeresete (pl.2) - christian (person)
mokete (s.3) mekete (pl.4) - feast
mokete (s.3) mekete (pl.4) - fesitval
mokete (s.3) mekete (pl.4) - party
mokgatlo (s.3) mekgatlo (pl.4) - association
mokgesi - warthog
mokgora - tattoo (n.)
mokgoro (s.3) mekgoro (pl.4) - fireplace (traditional)
mokgotsi (s.1) bakgotsi (pl.2) - friend
mokgwa (s.3) mekgwa (pl.4) - habit
mokgwa (s.3) mekgwa (pl.4) - manner
mokgwa (s.3) mekgwa (pl.4) - way
mokgwa wa ho bua - way of talking
mokgwabo (s.3) mekgwabo (pl.4) - marsh
mokgwenyana (s.1) bakgwenyana (pl.2) - son-in-law
mokhemisi (s.1) bakhemisi (pl.2) - chemist (person)
mokhibo - Basotho women’s dance
mokitlane (s.3) mekitlane (pl.4) - debt
mokoko (s.3) mekoko (pl.4) - cock
mokokotlo (s.3) mekokotlo (pl.4) - back
mokokotlo (s.3) mekokotlo (pl.4) - spine
Mokokotlofo - Pietermaritzburg
mokoloko (s.3) mekoloko (pl.4) - file (of people)
mokoloko (s.3) mekoloko (pl.4) - zip
mokopu (s.3) mekopu (pl.4) - pumpkin
mokota (s.3) mekota (pl.4) - excrement
mokotatsie (s.3) - stork
mokoteng - rectum
mokoti (s.3) mekoti (pl.4) - hole (deep ...)
mokotla (s.3) mekotla (pl.4) - bag
mokoto - wild dog
mokreste (s.1) bakreste (pl.2) - christian (person)
mokudi (s.1) bakudi (pl.2) - patient (n.)
mokudi (s.1) bakudi (pl.2) - sick person
mola - there
mola - yonder
molala (s.3) melala (pl.4) - neck
molao (s.3) melao (pl.4) - commandment
molao (s.3) melao (pl.4) - law
molao (s.3) melao (pl.4) - order
molao (s.3) melao (pl.4) - rule
molaotheo (s.3) melaotheo (pl.4) - constitution
molapo (s.3) melapo (pl.4) - brook
molato (s.3) melato (pl.4) - debt
molato (s.3) melato (pl.4) - fault
molekane (s.1) balekane (pl.2) - friend
molemi (s.1) balemi (pl.2) - farmer (person that ploughs)
molemi (s.1) balemi (pl.2) - gardener (farmer)
molemo - kindness
molemo (s.3) melemo (pl.4) - advantage
molemo (s.3) melemo (pl.4) - friendliness
molemo (s.3) melemo (pl.4) - goodness
mollo (s.4) mello (pl.5) - fire (n.)
molodi (s.3) melodi (pl.4) - melodi (<Eng)
molomo (s.3) melomo (pl.4) - lip
molomo (s.3) melomo (pl.4) - mouth
molora (s.3) melora (pl.4) - ash
moma - invite
mona - here
monahano (s.3) menahano (pl.4) - meditation
monahano (s.3) menahano (pl.4) - thought (n.)
monate - sweet (adj.)
monate (s.3) menate (pl.4) - niceness
mong - somebody
mong (s.1) beng (pl.2) - master
mong (s.1) beng (pl.2) - owner
monghadi (s.1) benghadi (pl.2) - gentleman
monghadi (s.1) benghadi (pl.2) - mister
monghadi (s.1) benghadi (pl.2) - Mr
mongodi (s.1) bangodi (pl.2) - author
mongodi (s.1) bangodi (pl.2) - secretary
mongodi (s.1) bangodi (pl.2) - writer
monna (s.1) banna (pl.2) - man
monna ya mosa - pleasant man
monongwaha - this year
monontsha (s.3) menontsha (pl.4) - fertilizer
Monti - East London
monwana (s.3) menwana (pl.4) - finger
monwana o motona - thumb
monwana o supang - forefinger
monwana wa leoto (s.3) menwana ya leoto (pl.4) - toe
monwana wa leoto o moholo - big toe
monwang - mosquito
monyako (s.3) menyako (pl.4) - door opening
monyako (s.3) menyako (pl.4) - doorway
monyepetsi (s.3) menyepetsi (pl.4) - tear
monyetla (s.3) menyetla (pl.4) - opportunity
mookamedi (s.1) baokamedi (pl.2) - superior
mookgo (s.3) meokgo (pl.4) - tear
mooki (s.1) baoki (pl.2) - nurse
mookodi - rainbow
moomo - shin
moomo (s.3) meomo (pl.4) - leg (below knee)
Mopedi (s.1) Bapedi (pl.2) - Pedi person
mopholosi (s.1) bapholosi (pl.2) - saviour
moputso (s.3) meputso (pl.4) - reward (n.)
Moqebelo - Saturday
moqhobi (s.1) baqhobi (pl.2) - driver
moqomo wa matlakala - rubbish bin
moqoqo (s.3) meqoqo (pl.4) - conversation
moqoqo (s.3) meqoqo (pl.4) - essay
mora (s.1) bara (pl.2) - son
morabe (s.3) merabe (pl.4) - tribe
moradi (s.1) baradi (pl.2) - daughter
moraho (s.3) meraho (pl.4) - stirrup
morao - behind
morara (s.3) merara (pl.4) - grape
moreki (s.1) bareki (pl.2) - customer
morekisi (s.1) - salesman
morena (s.1) barena (pl.2) - king
morena (s.1) marena (pl.6) - chief
morero (s.3) merero (pl.4) - plan (n.)
moreto (s.3) mereto (pl.4) - stripe
moriana (s.3) meriana (pl.4) - medicine
moriri (s.3) meriri (pl.4) - hair
moriti (s.3) meriti (pl.4) - shade
moro (s.3) mero (pl.4) - gravy
moroba (s.3) meroba (pl.4) - nomad
moroho (s.3) meroho (pl.4) - vegetable
moromuwa (s.1) baromuwa (pl.2) - messenger
moromuwa (s.1) baromuwa (pl.2) - missionary
moroto - urine
moru (s.3) meru (pl.4) - bush
moru (s.3) meru (pl.4) - forest
morui (s.1) barui (pl.2) - rich person
morusu (s.3) merusu (pl.4) - riot
morusu (s.3) merusu (pl.4) - tumult
morwallo - floods
morwalo (s.3) merwalo (pl.4) - load (n.)
morwetsana - adolescent (female)
morwetsana (s.1) barwetsana (pl.2) - maid
morwetsana (s.1) barwetsana (pl.2) - virgin
mosa - pleasant (person)
mosadi (s.1) - wife
mosadi (s.1) basadi (pl.2) - woman
mosadi ya ratanang le basadi - kindness
mosadi ya ratanang le basadi - lesbian
mosamo (s.3) mesamo (pl.4) - cushion
mosamo (s.3) mesamo (pl.4) - pillow
mose - abroad
mose (s.3) mese (pl.4) - dress (n.)
mosebeletsi (s.1) basebeletsi (pl.2) - servant
mosebeletsi (s.1) basebeletsi (pl.2) - worker
mosebeletsi wa tsa bophelo bo botle - health worker
mosebetsi (s.3) mesebetsi (pl.4) - work (n.)
mosebetsi o boima - difficult work
mosebetsi o thata - difficult work
mosebetsi wa bohlokwa - important work
moseho - incision
moseneke - crisis
mosetsana (s.1) basetsana (pl.2) - girl
moshanyana (s.1) bashanyana (pl.2) - boy
moshemane (s.1) bashemane (pl.2) - boy
mosi - smoke
mosidi (s.3) mesidi (pl.4) - soot
mosifa (s.3) - muscle
moso - tomorrow
mosuwe (s.1) basuwe (pl.2) - teacher
Mosweu (s.1) Basweu (pl.2) - European (white person)
mosweu (s.1) basweu (pl.2) - white person
motabo - sex (n.)
motabo - sexual intercourse
motataisi - counsellor
motha ya botswa (s.1) batho ba botswa (pl.2) - lazy person
mothapo wa madi (s.3) methapo ya madi (pl.4) - artery
mothati (s.3) methati (pl.4) - ledge
mothei (s.1) bathei (pl.2) - founder
motheo (s.3) metheo (pl.4) - basis
motheo (s.3) metheo (pl.4) - foundation
mothipoloha (s.3) methipoloha (pl.4) - slope
motho (s.1) batho (pl.2) - person
motho e moholo - important person
motho ya madi a sa hlwebeng - haemophiliac
motho ya nang le tshwaetso - carrier of disease
motho ya ratang ba bong bo sa tshwaneng le ba hae - heterosexual
motho ya tshwaeditsweng - infected person
motho ya tshwaeditsweng ke HIV - HIV-infected person
mothusi (s.1) bathusi (pl.2) - helper
motinyane (s.3) metinyane (pl.4) - grass warbler
motjha (s.1) - teenager
motjhana (s.1) batjhana (pl.2) - nephew
motjhana (s.1) batjhana (pl.2) - niece
motjhini (s.3) metjhini (pl.4) - engine
motjhini (s.3) metjhini (pl.4) - machine (<Eng)
motjhini wa ho hlatswa (s.9) - washing machine
motjhini wa ho roka (s.9) - sewing machine
motjhini wa ho tlosa lerole (s.9) - vacuum cleaner
motjini o kutang mohlwa - lawnmower
motlakase (s.3) metlakase (pl.4) - electricity
motlapasi - reedbuck
motlatsi (s.1) batlatsi (pl.2) - assistant
motlotlwane (s.3) metlotlwane (pl.4) - hut
motokara (s.9) dimotokara (pl.10) - car
motorokara (s.9) dimotorokara (pl.10) - car
motsamai (s.1) batsamai (pl.2) - traveller
motsamai (s.1) batsamai (pl.2) - walker
motsamaisi (s.1) batsamaisi (pl.2) - manager
motsana (s.3) metsana (pl.4) - little village
motse (s.3) metse (pl.4) - village
Motse Kapa - Cape Town
motsemoholo (s.3) metsemoholo (pl.4) - capital (city)
motsemoholo (s.3) metsemoholo (pl.4) - metropolis
motsero (s.3) metsero (pl.4) - stripe
Motsheanong - May
motshehare - midday
motshehare (s.3) - afternoon
motshehetsi - counsellor
motsheo - deep inside
motso (s.3) metso (pl.4) - unit
motsotso (s.3) metsotso (pl.4) - minute
motsotso (s.3) metsotso (pl.4) - moment
motsotso ona - moment (this ...)
motsotswana - second (indication of time)
motsu - sharp
motsu - sharpness
motswadi (s.1) batswadi (pl.2) - parent
motswala (s.1) botswala (pl.2) - cousin
motswalle (s.3) metswalle (pl.4) - friend
moupi (s.1) baupi (pl.2) - one who uses charms
Movenda (s.1) Bavenda (pl.2) - Venda person
movirigo - virgin
moya - breath
moya (s.3) meya (pl.4) - air
moya (s.3) meya (pl.4) - soul
moya (s.3) meya (pl.4) - spirit
moya (s.3) meya (pl.4) - wind
Moya o Halalelang - Holy Spirit
moya o mosesane - breeze
Mozambiki - Mozambique
mpa (s.9) dimpa (pl.10) - stomach
mpa (s.9) dimpa (pl.10) - tummy
mph - disappear (v.)
Mphalane - October
mphe - give me (v.)
mpho (s.9) dimpho (pl.10) - gift
mpjhane - cutlery
mpjhane (s.9) dimpjhane (pl.10) - wooden spoon
mpona - see me (v.)
mpshe (s.9) dimphse (pl.10) - ostrich
mpulele - open for me (v.)

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© Jako Olivier (2006)