Basic phrases

Here's a list of useful basic phrases in Sesotho in both the South African and Lesotho orthographies.


SESOTHO (South Africa)

SESOTHO (Lesotho)
Excuse me. Ntshwarele Ntsoarele
I beg your pardon. Tswarelo Tsoarelo
Thank you. Ke a leboha Kea leboha
Congratulations. Re a o lebohela Rea u lebohela
Help! Thusa! Thusa!
Come and help me. Tlo o tlo nthusa. Tloo tlo nthusa.
No Tjhee E-e
Yes Ee E
Please Ka kopo / Ako.../...hle Ka kopo / Ak'u .../... hle
What is the time? Ke nako mang? Ke nako mang?
What day is it? Ke la bokae kajeno? Ke la bokae kajeno?
What month is it? Ke kgwedi efe e? Ke khoedi efe e?
It is ... Wednesdag/April Ke ... Laboraro/Mmesa Ke Laboraro/'Mesa
Who are you? O mang? U mang?
I am Thabo. Nna ke Thabo. 'Na ke Thabo.
I am not Thabo. Nna ha ke Thabo. 'Na ha ke Thabo.
You are Lerato. Wena o Lerato. Uena u Lerato.
You are not Lerato. Wena ha o Lerato. Uena ha u Lerato.
What is your name? Lebitso la hao ke mang? Lebitso la hau u mang?
What is your surname? Fane ya hao ke mang? Fane ea hau u mang?
My name is ... Lebitso la ka ke ... Lebitso la ka ke ...
My surname is ... Fane ya ka ke ... Fane ea ka ke ...
Where do you live? O dula kae? U lula kae?

I live in Qwaqwa.
I live in Maseru.

Ke dula Qwaqwa. Ke lula Maseru.
What is your address? Aterese ya hao e reng? Aterese ea hau e reng?
Where do you come from? O tswa kae? U tsoa kae?
When is your birthday? Letsatsi la hao la tswalo le neng? Letsatsi la hau le tsoalo le neng?
How old are you? O dilemo tse kae? U lilemo tse kae?
Are you happy? O thabile? U thabile?
I want ... Ke batla ... Ke batla ...
I don't want ... Ha ke batle ... Ha ke batle ...
Don't blame me. Se ke wa mpea molato. Se ke oa mpea molato.
Don't forget. Se lebale. Se lebale.
Have you met ... O kopane le ... U kopane le ...
How much is this? Ke bokae? Ke bokae?
I am listening. Ke mamela. Ke mamela.
I don't care. Ha ke na taba. Ha ke na taba.
I don't know. Ha ke tsebe. Ha ke tsebe.
I don't understand you. Ha ke o utlwisisi. Ha ke utloisisi.
Watch out! Hlokomela! Hlokomela!
Send my regards. Ba dumedise. Ba lumelise.
Truly! Ka nnete! Ka 'nete!
What are you doing? O etsang? U etsang?
Where are you going? O ya kae? U ea kae?
Where is Palesa? Palesa o kae? Palesa o kae?
Why? Hobaneng? Hobaneng?
You must. O tswanetse. U tsoanetse.
Welcome! Kena ka kgotso! (singular)
Kenang ka kgotso! (plural)
Kena ka khotso! (singular)
Kenang ka khotso! (plural)


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J. Olivier (2009)